Queer is Not Enough: The Quest for Worthwhile Representation on our TVs

In the new Wild West of queer visibility on TV, what makes a show worth watching?

Teen scifi show The 100 was a queer, feminist, worthwhile show even before Clarke and Lexa’s brief kiss. And recent dialogues around The 100 and One Big Happy have gotten me thinking about the state of LGBTQ+ representation on TV. It’s not enough these days to be “a lesbian show” or have a queer character. Just like making feminist TV isn’t just about putting in “strong female characters,” making good queer TV is not just about watching women whom we are told are gay.

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Welcome to the Whedonverse, Carmilla

From episode 24
From episode 24

Carmilla is the webseries you’ve been looking for ever since Buffy wrapped.

Listen: I don’t like webseries. I can’t get into the pacing, and low-budget gives me PTSD for the years when I was starved for queer entertainment and tried to watch movies like Go Fish. But sometimes, every once in awhile, if a webseries just keeps popping up on my radar, I’ll give it a try. And when I do, it’s almost always worth it. It happened with The Guild (at this point, Felicia could start a vlog called Farts with Fel, and I’d watch it)…and now it’s happening with Carmilla

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