Welllll hello there!

Hey there cats and kittens! It’s been soooo long since I’ve posted here, but lately I’ve been getting the itch, so hi! Here I am!

So much has happened in the past couple of years — my first serious relationship after coming out, the end of that relationship, plenty more semi-awkward OKCupid dates, lots of other shenanigans, and lots and lots of thoughts and feelings posted to the comments section of Autostraddle, where the community is absolutely lovely and supportive. Hopefully I’ll get more thoughts and feelings and essays up here soon as well! In the meantime…

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Quicklinks: @HHoagie knows what @HHoagie Means, and Other TV Stories

You can trust me.

Hi Everyone! Wow, long time no see, huh? Don’t worry, I’m working on everything. I’m seven chapters deep on that Furiosa fanfic, and I’ve started work on this super personal graphic short about depression (don’t worry: graphic as in graphic novel, not graphic as in blood and guts), and I’ve been submitting a few personal essays here and there with very little hope of getting them published, and poor little QGB has been kind of neglected!

Also my partner and I broke up. Mooooooooooooving on.

Over on Autostraddle, Heather Hogan has been absolutely killing it with the Pretty Little Liars recaps this season. But I guess there’s a whole armada of straight teenage girls who think Heather is out to murder their puppies, and by puppies, I mean their Ezra Fitz. That’s right, sweet sweet Ezra Fitz, high school teacher, stalker and sexual predator extraordinaire. Check out Heather’s Tumblr now (DO IT DO IT) to see her mic-drop of a response and be reminded of why she is the Hermione Granger of the queer intrawebz. 

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Happy Happy Quicklinks: Lily Tomlin’s Hair Needs to Call Me, & Other Goodies

It’s Monday, and Betty Draper’s having a pretty bad week, but that doesn’t have to mean we just sit at our desks waiting to die (or for the weekend — whichever comes first). Let’s get happy! There’ll be only good news in these quicklinks.

  • Lest you forget about the amazingness that is brewing, here are some stills of the next season of OITNB — including the punk-porcelain-doll that is Ruby Rose. Season 3 really can’t come soon enough.
  • Speaking of Netflix, have you marathoned Grace and Frankie yet? There’s plenty of queer and human goodness buried in this show, but for now, can I just say: Lily Tomlin’s HAIR.

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Quicklinks: Happy Transgender Day of Visibility!

Happy #tdov! How are you celebrating?

Hey, everyone, btw, a quick poll: are you still using the asterisk in trans*?

I don’t watch soaps, but Heather Hogan thinks Bold and the Beautiful is doing a crappy job on their trans storyline. Straight to blackmail? Really, writers?

When I was a teenager, everyone I knew wanted to be the Clean & Clear girl with the perfect skin. That girl will now be Jazz Jennings!

Are you scared of accidentally misgendering someone by using the wrong pronouns? I know I am — I have been known to mess up occasionally when meeting new people. When you do misgender someone, you will probably feel terrible, and your first instinct might be to tell the person how very awful you feel. But this isn’t about you. Instead, acknowledge your mistake and/or correct yourself, and move on quickly. After all, Q Blog says, “there’s nothing worse than getting misgendered and then having to soothe and care-take the person who just misgendered you.”

Activist Blake Brockington was remembered at memorial services over the weekend. He was eighteen years old.

I know I always talk about it, but have you read Janet Mock’s autobiography yet? DO IT. The book helped me move to a new level in my lifelong process of dismantling the transphobia that I grew up with. Reading a well-written book is the best way I know of how to (kind of almost) walk a mile in someone’s shoes. And Janet Mock has gorgeous shoes.

Finally, look up #tdov on Twitter for an endless scroll of color and activism, anger and hope and pretty people and regular human beings! ❤

Autostraddle Headlines are Absurd, & Other Unpopular Opinions

I used to have a friend who called me the Queer Stalker. In my closet years, I desperately consumed any and all pop culture I could find that had any queer in it at all. But one lovely byproduct of living an out life this year has been: I no longer love everything with lesbian content by default! And now that I think about it, I’ve got a few issues with some of the shows and content I clung to so hard back in the day. Let’s explore, shall we?

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Get Happy

lesbian emojis michael sam kristen stewart kaitlyn alexander ellen portia

A queer news roundup with only good news. Because that’s what Friday calls for.

It’s Friday. It’s been kind of a rough week. So I think it’s time to do a happy dance. Let’s shake off all of the bullshit and get happy for the weekend. Here’s some of the best (and some of the silliest) queer news from the week.

Lesbian emojis are now available for the iPhone. GET THEM NOW. DO IT.

Michael Sam and Vito Cammisano are engaged, months after that adorable kiss sent conservatives into a hilarious tailspin (that link is a poem “inspired by Dr. Seuss” in which the esteemed author rhymed gayness and anus. It is GOLD). Anyway, congratulations, fellas! I don’t follow football but I am always 100% a fan of love. 

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Quotable: Home for the Holidays

This atheist LOVES Christmas.

At least in theory. But let’s face it. Christmas as an adult is way more complicated than it used to be.

As a kid, Christmas was a magical time filled with warmth and gifts and family. But when you grow up, those things change a little bit. Family becomes less of a support structure and more of a collection of people you are forever tethered to, people you will always love completely and immutably, but people whose company you might enjoy or be completely stressed out by on any given day.

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Quotable: Coming Out Stories

We all have closets. What’s in yours?

Awhile back, I wrote about coming out, and the response I received was really encouraging. A lot of people responded with their own coming out stories in the comments. They wrote about coming out about their ADHD, their miscarriages, their divorces: life events, hardships, or facets of their personalities they had previously kept secret. I was reminded that we all have closets, but the more that we can throw those doors open and be our authentic selves, the happier we’ll be.

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